
Mike Birbiglia on Achieving Creative Success

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Comedian Mike Birbiglia wrote this great little piece for The New York Times yesterday:

Sometimes people say, “One thing you have to offer in your work is yourself.” I disagree. I think it’s the only thing.

It's a simple list of 6 things he believes in that help lead to success, and it's one of the best lists of anything I've read in recent memory. That quote is the last line of the piece, but the whole thing is worth reading.

As a side note, Birbiglia just had his second feature film come out. It's called Don't Think Twice and it's great! It in a semi-wide release right now, so you may be able to check it out. It's one of the most criminally unnoticed films of the year, and the trailer is below if you need more convincing.