
My Productivity Goals for the Week

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Replace a subscription with a free app, sell/donate/throw out something everyday, and focus on the bigger picture goals in my life.

Happy Monday! It just got very cold in the Chicago area this weekend, and while this would normally mean it’s getting to be time to stay inside more…well…it’s 2020 and that basically means more of the same.


I’m still taking this chance to shake up my attitude towards “productivity” and wanted to share them here as a way to be semi-accountable to them, as well as maybe inspire a few other people to try them as well. Here are my goals for this week.

  1. Find a free app (or an app I paid for long ago) to replace a paid subscription service I’m using. Saving money and reminding myself another tool will not solve my problems.
  2. Donate one item, sell one item, and throw out one personal item per day. I don’t need everything I have, and there is tons in my home I can either sell to make a little bit of cash on the side, or donate to people who need it much more than me.
  3. Double down on my The Three Things system. We’re getting to the end of the year, and work is slowing down a bit, so now is a very good time to focus less on the minutia of day-to-day tasks and bring my focus around to bigger-picture goals I have in mind. More forest, less trees this week.

That’s it! None of these are particularly hard, and as I sit here right now, I know what if I do all three of them I will feel better on Friday than I do today, so here’s hoping I stick with them.